NOR Gate.

Hello students once again welcome back. In last post we have learn about NAND Gate , in this post we will learn about NOR Gate.
NOR gate is basically ' NOT -OR Gate' . It is basically combination of OR gate and NOT gate . Inputs are given to OR gate , output of OR gate is given as input To NOT gate ane Output of NOT gate is output of NOR gate. Like NAND gate , NOR gate is also called as Universal building block. When NOR gate has n inputs it is called n-bit NOR gate. Output is high(1) when all the inputs are low(0) and output is low(0) when anyone input is high (1).
IC 7402 is Quad Dual input NOR gate. The symbol and truth table for 2 bit NOR gate is as shown below:-

That's it. In next post we will learn about , why does NAND and NOR gate are called universal building blocks?. 


                        Hello students once again welcome back. In last post we learn about OR gate in this post we will learn about NAND .
                        NAND gate is nothing but 'Not - AND gate '. It is combination of AND gate and NOT gate . Output of AND gate is given as input to NOT gate and Output of NOT gate becomes Output of combination i.e. NAND gate .When gate has n inputs it is called n-bit NAND gate. Output of NAND gate is high(1) when anyone of input is low(0).
                     When both inputs are high(1) ,output is low(0).IC 7400 is known as Quad Dual input NAND gate.In Boolean Algebra NAND gate is known as universal building block.
                     Symbol and truth of two bit NAND gate is as follows:-
                    That's it . In next post we will learn about NOR gate.


OR gate

                 Hello students once again welcome back. So in last post we had learned about NOT gate and in this post we will learn about OR gate .
                OR gate has 2 or more inputs. When it has n inputs it is called n bit OR gate . Defination of OR gate is "Output is High(1) when anyone of input is High (1) ", i.e. it recognizes the input word which contains (1) and output is low when all the inputs are low(0) . Trick remember the truth table is that OR gate is similar to Disjunction in Maths.
In Boolean Algebra '+' indicates OR addition . The symbol '+' is read as OR . IC 7432 is known as Quad Dual Input OR gate .
                 The symbol and truth table of OR gate is as follows:-
                  That's it for today . In next post we will learn about NAND gate.

Some important Boolean Formulae

                                Hey guys once again welcome back . In last post we learnt about NOR Gate and also I wrote their that in ne...