AND gate

                   Hey student's once again welcome to all of you. In last topic we have seen the introduction to Logic gates , necessary of Logic gates. In this topic I am going to tell about AND gate . Let's begin!!
                   AND gate has one or more inputs but only one output.Output is high when all inputs to AND gates are high (1). So , we can define AND gate as the gate whose output is high only when all inputs are high. Trick to remember when the Output of AND gate is high is that AND gate  is same as conjunction in maths . In maths truth value of sentence is true when all given statements have truth value True. Just like in AND gate output is high when all inputs are High.
                           When gate has n inputs it is called n bit AND gate. In Boolean Algebra '.' represent AND gate. IC 7408 is quad dual input AND gate . The symbol and truth table of 2 input AND gate is as follows:- 

                                                                                          OUTPUT EXPRESSION IS Y= A.B (Read as A and B). 
                          In next post I will tell you about NOT gate.

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Some important Boolean Formulae

                                Hey guys once again welcome back . In last post we learnt about NOR Gate and also I wrote their that in ne...