Introduction to Logic Gates

                     Hello student's I hope you have started studying 12th HSC electronics. Some of you might have read some lessons. I will tell you about logic gates in easy way.
                     For a time being consider gate as our lock which we use in our day to day life. When does it open? Obviously when we put key of that lock . Here key is our input and lock is out put . Similarly in logic gates we give some inputs to get some output .
                    Now question arises why we need logic gates? Answer is in computer there are several components. By using this components we can get 10 different states but this states are not well defined but 2 well defined states can be obtain from these components, so we use Boolean Algebra i.e. two states Algebra. Logic Gate uses Boolean Algebra. In computer and microprocessors logic gates are used for various purposes for example counting , addition,substraction,multiplication,divison,etc.
                    Logic Gate is device which has one or more inputs but only one output. Output is high when input word is recognized by gate just like when we put proper key of lock it open i.e. it opens , output is low when input is not recognized by gate just like when we put wrong key in lock it doesn't open. In logic gate output high is denoted by 1 and low output is denoted by 0
                   There are two types of Logic :- 1) Positive Logic and 2) Negative Logic
                  In positive logic input 1 is shown by more positive of two voltage levels and 0 by other voltage level. For example if input voltages are 0 and 5 then 1 is represented by 5 and 0 is represented by 0 . If inputs voltages are -5 and 0 then 1 is represented by 0 and 0 is represented by -5.
                In negative logic 1 is represented more negative of two voltage levels and 0 is represented by other voltage. For example if voltages are 0 and 5 then 1 is represented by 0and 0 is represented by 5. If two voltage levels are 0 and -5 then 1 is represented by -5 and 0 is represented by 0
               There are 3 fundamental logic gates :-1) AND gate 2) NOT gate 3) OR gate .
               We will see in details of these 3 gates in my next blog. Thanks for reading!!

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